Case report from the September/October 2014 issue of The International Journal of Prosthodontics shows how CAD/CAM technology can be used in removable prosthodontics.
Fabricating an Obturator Using Rapid Prototyping to Design the Framework: A Case Report
Min-Soo Kim, DDS/Jeong-Yol Lee, DMD, MSc, PhD/Sang-Wan Shin, DDS, MPH, PhD, MSc
Pages: 439–441
PMID: 25191886
DOI: 10.11607/ijp.3838
Abstract: Congenital or acquired maxillary defects cause various esthetic and functional problems. Maxillary deficiency can be prosthetically restored with an obturator. Computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology, which had been used exclusively in fixed prosthodontics, is now being more widely used in other fields, including removable prosthodontics, after the introduction of software and availability of a comprehensive solution for designing and manufacturing a removable partial denture (RPD). The rapid prototyping (RP) technique enables precise fabrication of the RPD framework in a shorter time period compared to conventional methods. This case report describes the fabrication of an obturator using the RP technique in a patient who underwent hemimaxillectomy of the soft palate. Int J Prosthodont 2014;27:439–441. doi: 10.11607/ijp.3838
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The International Journal of Prosthodontics is published by Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc, edited by George A. Zarb, BChD, DDS, MS, MS, FRCD(C), and is the official journal of the International College of Prosthodontists and the International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation.
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