Reading time: 2 minutes
Nearly a decade ago, former Dean Michael Alfano, Diane Rekow, and Van Thompson were recruited to build what would become one of the strongest biomaterials teams in the world at the New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry. They quickly garnered corporate support and participation from academics and researchers from around the world, and it wasn’t long before clinicians and dental laboratory technicians joined in. Inspired by the groundbreaking work of the NYU team, Drs Jonathan L. Ferencz, Nelson R.F.A. Silva, and José Manuel Navarro have put together a textbook that focuses on the collaboration of biomaterials science and industry experts with clinicians and dental technicians. This collaboration is the key to successful patient outcomes. High–Strength Ceramics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives is already receiving rave reviews from leading dental professionals: Dr Gerard J. Chiche, DDS, says, “This book is a major contribution to the field of esthetic dentistry. It will have a definitive impact on the dental community.”
Advances in material science and digital technologies have revolutionized the field of ceramic-based restorative and implant dentistry and forward-thinking clinicians and dental technicians must negotiate this rapidly changing landscape to determine which materials and technologies are validated by laboratory and clinical evidence, have the potential to improve patient outcomes, and are practical for clinical application. To provide insight into these issues, Drs Ferencz, Silva, and Navarro assembled the talents of the various stakeholders in this field to create a comprehensive reference on all-ceramic technology that combines thoughtful analysis of the state of the science with practical clinical advice for dentists and laboratory technicians alike. This book will provide readers with the tools to judge the research presented in the literature and incorporate best practices and advances in materials and technology into their armamentarium in a way that will benefit their patients.
Intended for dental students, dental technicians, dental faculty, and practicing dentists alike, this book will help readers gain an understanding of basic biomaterials while introducing them to new ceramic materials, high-quality clinical procedures, and laboratory techniques with an underpinning of biomaterials science.
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